I'm a closet control freak. What can I say?
Anyways...it's totally weird not celebrating your birthday with your family and the people you've always celebrated with. When you're not there people forget...which is kinda lame, but not that big of a deal...I think it's just one of those things where life keeps going whether you're there or not. Strange reality of a move, I guess.

My birthday is within 10 days of two of my best friends, Katie and Jodi, and we've been celebrating our bithdays together our entire lives, minus a few years we were living in other states or away at school. But it feels odd to miss that and turn a year older without them.

BUT...my amazing boyfriend and my amazing Kara made it a really great day. There was some initial talk of a party, which I would have been fine with because I know they were trying to make it a cool day, but last week they surprised me with a change of plans.
Kara made me crepes for breakfast...complete with Nutella and whipped cream. Yum. Then we piled in the car and road tripped down to a college soccer game- yes, they sat through all 90 minutes with only one goal scored. I was impressed with bot

Then we went to dinner in the cities- Melting Pot. Totally fun restaurant. You can't really beat melted cheese and melted chocolate. So, in all, it was a great day.
I'm 27 and that feels kind of strange.I know, I know...it's not that old. I'm far from old. But getting older just feels weird. It feels not that long ago that I was that 18 year old little girl getting with a backpack and a passport traveling the world. Now, I find myself saying things like "I haven't talked to them in years"...and that feels weird. My friends have kids that are getting kind of old. I've been out of college for what feels like a long time. It's like time goes by faster as you get old. Chad has a theory on that, but you'll have to ask him.
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