Something happens when you move away from home. You start to miss things. Family. Weather. Friends. Food. Your local news. For me it's sushi. Holy crap I miss sushi. I think about it. I dream about it. I read about it. I make people talk about it. I have even considered braving sushi at a chinese buffet in Brainerd. I didn't, don't worry.
There's other things I miss too- not just sushi.
Moments. I miss a lot of moments.
Awkward moments. I missed my brother's new girlfriend meeting my parents last week.
Precious moments. I missed Lorna's first day of preschool.
Proud moments. I missed Siah coming in 57th place in his first cross country meet.
Nostalgic Moments. I missed Maddie's first day of junior high.
Surreal moments. I missed Ryan's baby shower.
Meaningful moments. I missed Pastor Rick's apology.

Today was the worst. Just as Bret Favre threw a HUGE touchdown pass to win the first home game in the very last seconds, my best friend gave birth to her second child. And I missed it. I got to be there on the phone and hear little Laney's first cry, but I missed seeing her face and being part of her entrance into the world. She's perfect. 5 lbs. 11 oz. 18 1/2 inches long. Round little face. Long fingers and toes. Peach fuzz hair. She's healthy, but there was a scary minute right when she was born and we couldn't hear her crying. I held my breath and tears rolled down my face. Then she cried. I exhaled.
These are moments I never dreamed I would miss. I think this is the first big moment I haven't been apart of since Ryan and I were little girls. I want nothing more to be home right now. But I know I can't be. In a few weeks I will get to hold baby Laney and I can't wait for that moment. It's the moment that I missed today that makes me think about the gazillion moments I'll miss ahead. So it's not the sushi I'm sacrificing...it's life as I knew it.
Auntie Nels loves you, Laney. See you soon.